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1. Causes of Malocclusion
Treatment will be easier if we know the cause of a disease.
The causative factors of dental disease can be classified primarily as genetic and environmental factors,
and secondly as factors related to bones (skeleton), teeth, and soft tissues (environment).
In general, it is thought that bone- or tooth-related problems are genetically determined as opposed
to problems caused by environmental factors.
Furthermore, bones (skeleton), teeth, and soft tissues (environment) are closely related to each other,
and some skeletal malocclusion shows a characteristic feature of dental occlusion.
Skeletal malocclusion shows three kinds of compensation to mask for this severity: vertical, dental,
or joint compensation.
Therefore, we first need to understand what kind of compensation the patient displays in the diagnosis
of malocclusion. If a dental compensation is shown, we need to observe that the compensation has been
made not only in the anterior tooth but also the posterior tooth.
Malocclusion treatment consists of adaptation and compensation treatment. Of these, it is recommended
to choose adaptation treatment rather than compensatory treatment for skeletal malocclusion,
The lecture details the causes of malocclusion: environmental, dental, and skeletal factors.
In particular, it emphasizes the importance of the posterior vertical dimension and the occlusal plane
among the dental factors.
The decreased vertical dimension is related to some malocclusions and it means that anterior vertical
dimension and posterior vertical dimension are also important.
Although these kinds of vertical dimension are skeletal factors, they are closely related to
dental problems. In particular, extrusion of the first molar and mesial angulation caused by
decreased vertical dimension can affect the occlusal plane.
Therefore, by understanding the association between skeletal and dental factors and adjusting
the vertical dimension and occlusal plane, we can achieve good results with non-surgical treatment.