Early Orthodontic Treatment of Anterior Cross-bite

Early Orthodontic Treatment of Anterior Cross-bite
SpeakerDr. Jeong-Il Kim
Official languageEnglish
Number of lectures4 times
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Price 99 $ (99 P)
Total Price : (99P)



On-line Early Orthodontic Treatment of Anterior Cross-bite 

April 1st, KST 20:00~22:00 

1. Class III differential diagnosis 

2. Class III malocclusion: classification and etiologic factors 

April 8th, KST 20:00~22:00 

1. Class III malocclusion: treatment strategy 

2. Transpalatal arch 3. Increase vertical dimension 

1) Resin overlay 

2) PBBA (PBB with anterior coverage) 

April 15th, KST 20:00~22:00 

Early orthodontic treatment of dental Class III 

1. Expansion appliance 

1) Anterior expansion appliance (AEP) 

2) Slow expansion appliance (SME) 

3) Rapid expansion appliance (RME) 

2. 2 x 4 appliances (fixed appliances) 

3. Lower retraction appliance 

April 22nd, KST 20:00~22:00 

Early orthodontic treatment of skeletal Class III 

1. Face mask (Maxillary protraction appliance) 

1) Bonded RME with hook 

2) Labio-lingual arch with hook 

3) Fixed appliance 

2. Chin cap 

3. Check points after 1st phase treatment 

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