小儿正畸治疗课程 (共43 講)

课程有效期 100 天 (3个月)
正常价格(学费) $ 800 (800 P)
活动价格 $700 (700 P)
Point 0P
有骨骼问题的早期矫正治疗 (27講)
前牙反颌患者的早期矫正 (11講)
1.儿童早期矫正 7.扩弓矫治器 (扩弓器的种类)
2.III类非拔牙矫治 8.III类的牙性问题 (上颌牙性问题)
3.III类错颌畸形病因 9.III类的牙性问题 (下颌 牙性问题)
4.前牙反颌的早期矫正 (上颌横腭间距离) 10.前牙反颌的早期矫正 (骨骼问题, 面罩)
5.前牙反颌的儿童早期矫正 (前牙覆盖的后牙颌垫和树脂帽) 11.III类治疗总结
骨性II 类错颌畸形患者的早期矫正 (4講)
1.骨性II类的早期矫正 (介绍, 病因, 治疗策略, 分类) 3.头帽治疗 (控制口外弓的大小、方向及持续时间)
2.II类早期矫治的鉴别诊断 4.双颌垫
深覆颌患者的早期矫正 (4講)
1.深覆颌的早期矫治 (介绍, 病因, 治疗策略, 分类) 3.深覆颌的伸长治疗
2.早期深覆颌矫治的鉴别诊断 4.压低弓丝 (双弓丝, 多用压低弓丝)
开颌患者的早期矫正 (4講)
1.开颌的早期矫治 (介绍) 3.肌功能疗法
2.开颌早期治疗的鉴别诊断 (病因, 治疗策略, 分类, 玺别诊析) 4.矫治 (扩弓器, 控制不良习惯的矫治器)
正中线偏位患者的早期矫正 (4講)
(病因, 治疗策略, 分类, 玺别诊析)
(病因和分类, 治疔依据, 鉴别诊断和治疗策略, 病例)
(病因和分类, 治疔依据, 鉴别诊断和治疗策略, 病例)
(病因和分类, 治疔依据, 鉴别诊断和治疗策略, 病例)
有牙性问题的早期矫正治疗 (16講)
混合牙列期拥挤患者的早期矫正 (5講)
1.混合牙列的间隙管理 (病因和分类, 治疔依据, 鉴别诊断和治疗策略, 病例)
2.早期混合牙列期的前牙拥挤 (间隙管理, 前牙拥挤, 保持牙弓长度:TPA, 获得间隙, 序列拔牙, 单侧乳尖牙的早脱落)
3.获得间隙 (间隙管理, 前牙拥挤, 保持牙弓长度:TPA, 获得间隙, 序列拔牙, 单侧乳尖牙的早脱落)
4.保持牙弓长度 (横腭弓)
5.保持牙弓长度 (舌号)
上颌前牙埋伏患者的早期矫正 (2講)
1.上颌埋伏阻生中切牙 (介绍, 诊断, 术前矫治, 手术, 术后矫治)
2.上顎阻生切牙的早期治療 (病例)
有牙齿萌出障碍患者的早期矫正 (3講)
1.牙齿萌出障碍的早期治疗 1.异位萌出 -> 舌弓
3.乳磨牙 : 骨粘達和低位咬合
3.早期诊断和抑制矫正治疗(以免恶化) 上颌尖牙异位萌出及埋伏阻生
先天性缺牙患者的早期矫正 (3講)
1.先天性缺牙 1.上颌侧切牙
牙齿自体移植 (3講)
2.咬合的发育 : 牙齿的作用 (1)
3.咬合的发育 : 牙齿的作用 (2)
Purchase/Payment/Refund of Points on the Site .
1. You can purchase points to be used in the services provided by our company through each of the following items.
  • 1) credit card
  • 2) Account transfer
  • 3) Payment methods provided on other sites
2. Payment cancellation and refund
  • Before using points
  • - Within 7 days of purchase: transaction cancellation (full refund).
  • - More than 7 days after purchase: Partial refund after deducting cancellation fee and penalty.
  • After using points
  • - Cancellation fee + refund after deduction of course purchase details.
  • - If 7 days have elapsed from the payment date, additional penalty is deducted.
  • - Bonus points received when purchasing points are not included in the refund amount.
  • - Penalty: More than 7 days after service starts: 10% of the payment is deducted from the refund amount.
  • - Lecture purchase details = List price of individual lectures X (Used lectures / All lectures).

  • 1) Members may request cancellation of payment (subscription withdrawal) from the company within 7 days from the date of payment, provided that the member has not used the paid service or product at all.
  • 2) A member applies for withdrawal of subscription after the period (within 7 days from the payment date) for withdrawal of subscription for paid services or products for which subscription withdrawal is possible, Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., Content Industry Promotion Act , In the case of content that falls under the reasons for restriction of withdrawal of subscription as stipulated in other related laws such as online digital content user protection guidelines, subscription withdrawal is restricted.
  • 3) Payment cancellation and refund will take effect when a member expresses his or her intention to the company by phone or e-mail and reaches the company, and the company informs the member without delay after receiving the member's indication of intent.
  • 4) The company deducts and refunds the amount purchased by the member by applying a predetermined standard rate applied by the company within a reasonable range , taking into account the profits obtained through the service or product, such as the number of actual content subscriptions and the period used by the member.
  • 5) When the company refunds to the member , all or part of the payment is refunded in the same way as the payment for the use price . However, if a refund is not possible in the same way, it will be immediately notified to the member and refunded at the member's option.
  • 6) The company does not bear the duty of refund for services for which the member does not pay the cost directly , such as receiving a paid service or product as a gift or acquiring it for free or free through promotions, etc.
  • 7) If a member finds a content abnormality while using the company's service , he or she can receive a refund based on the standard applied by the company within a reasonable range.

    However, in the case of a malfunction due to a member's mistake or error, refund is not possible.
Withdrawal of subscription
  • 1. Subscription can be withdrawn within 7 days from the date of receipt of goods such as textbooks. However, if the contents of the goods are different from the contents displayed or advertised by the company or are performed differently from the contents of the contract, within 3 months from the date of receipt of the goods, etc., 30 days from the date of knowing or knowing the facts. You can withdraw your subscription within the next few days.
  • 2. When a member cancels the subscription for goods, he/she must return the goods supplied to the company, and the company refunds the payment already received within 3 business days from the date the goods are returned.
  • 3. If the goods are partially consumed when withdrawing the subscription, the amount is deducted and refunded, and the member is responsible for the expenses necessary for the return.
  • 4. Member withdrawal of subscription is restricted in the following cases.
    When the goods are lost or damaged due to the member's responsibility. However, the case where the packaging, etc. is damaged in order to check the contents of the goods, etc. is excluded.
    When the value of goods, etc., has significantly decreased due to the member's use or partial consumption.
    When the value of the goods has decreased significantly over time, making it difficult to sell again

    If the packaging of reproducible goods, etc. is damaged